On 18 April 2007 09:00, François-Xavier Coudert wrote:

> [ http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc/2007-04/msg00145.html ]
>> I'm starting to look into it now.
> ping? FWIW, bootstrap looks still broken...
> Could you propose a patch, disable decimal float for i[345]86-linux,
> revert your original patch or review the patch at
> http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2007-03/msg01764.html ? I think
> we're not missing ways of action here :)
> Failing that, can a i386 maintainer do something (a non-exhaustive
> list of possible actions can be found in the above paragraph)?

  The formal procedure would be at this point to request any global maintainer
to start the 48hr reversion countdown.  [ Note that /this/ email is not such a
request on my part, because I haven't yet been bitten by this bug. ]

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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