On 4/16/07, J.C. Pizarro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
what is the matter if the generated files aren't updated?
The users will say many times broken situations like bootstrap doesn't
work or else.

99.9% of bootstrap failures are not related to generated files full stop.
Sounds like you are mixing two different ideas together and thinking
they are the same problem when in reality there are two different
issues.  I dare you to go through the bug reports and find out how
many bootstrap failures were due to a generated file being generated
using the wrong version of program.  And usually when those kind of
bootstrap problems happen, they are fixed in the next day or two while
other bootstrap problems take longer to fix.  So you are complaining
about a minor issue in the whole scheme of things.   So minor that it
could be fixed by anyone who has write access in less than an hour
(note I am not going to do it right now because it is 3am and I really
should be asleep and I don't have the correct versions of the programs
on this computer right now).  All someone has to do is figure out what
is the correct version as documented and then use that accross all the
files.  I would do it if I have time but I really don't and it is so
minor issue that I wonder why I am ever writting this email now.  Oh
right because this has no become offtopic.

-- Pinski

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