On 06/04/07, Joe Buck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Fri, Apr 06, 2007 at 11:38:50AM +0100, Rob Quill wrote:
> So the general concensus is that's it's not worth doing?
> Hypothetically, if I did it and it didn't make much difference, would
> it be worth submitting a patch? Or should I just give up before I
> start?

It might be worth doing.  I think that, in addition to a patch,
I'd like to see measurements (maybe just the size increase in
libstdc++.{a,so}).  If the cost is small, I will not object.
Seeing what the debugging sessions look like before and after
will help assure that we're getting it right, especially at
the boundary: if we have

23  Foo foo = func();
24  int bar = 0;

then if a breakpoint is set at line 23, foo should not be in scope,
but at line 24, it should be.

OK, that sounds good to me. As you say, there is no way to know until
it is actually implemented how muh affect it will have. However, I
won't be able to start on it until summer as I have to worry about
sitting my finals, so I'll let you know when I get started.

Thanks all for your help :)


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