Phil Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > On Wed, Mar 21, 2007 at 10:51:06AM -0700, Mike Stump wrote: > > But seriously, I think we need to press autoconf into generating 100x > > faster code 90% of the time. Maybe prebundling answers for the > > common targets... > > Eeeeek, imake! :-) > > Every time I've played with precomputing cache answers, I almost immediately > run into problems where the answers need to be customized or recalculated, > even for situations which I would have labelled as "common". Even preloading > the cache only saves a little bit of time compared to the time for all > the zillions of tiny files bring created, compiled, deleted.
Yes. In my opinion the problem with autoconf is not the lack of a system-wide cache. It's that the tests can not be run in parallel. Fixing this requires a complete redesign and rewrite, which is frankly long over due. Using m4 to generate portable shell scripts was moderately cute when DJM did it fifteen years ago, but it's looking pretty old now. Ian