Karthikeyan M wrote:
Oh ! So the releases on  http://gcc.gnu.org/releases.html are for
those who just want to use gcc and not hack it ?

Is the latest release not done from the top of the trunk ?

No; the top of the trunk is far too unstable for releasing. Release branches are split off of trunk about once a year, and then debugged for about four months or so after that before a release is done from them. At that point, regressions and some major bugs are fixed in the release branch, and further releases are done from them.

4.1.3 is thus the fourth release from the 4.1 branch, which was split from the trunk in late 2005. You're currently in the worst possible position for releases, since 4.2.0 is almost but not quite ready for releases.

See http://gcc.gnu.org/develop.html for details, especially the timeline at the bottom.

- Brooks

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