Hello, I stumbled over the following problem in current gcc trunk version for minw32. If I try something like:
#include <stdlib.h> void *(my_malloc_hook)(size_t) = malloc; GCC tells me, that malloc isn't a constant symbol. Clear malloc is defined by using the attribute dllimport, because it comes out of the MSVCRT and has the name "__imp__malloc". But the import library has also the not decored name stub function "_malloc". Did I something wrong or is there something broken ? Regards, i.A. Kai Tietz ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OneVision Software Entwicklungs GmbH & Co. KG Dr.-Leo-Ritter-Straße 9 - 93049 Regensburg Tel: +49.(0)941.78004.0 - Fax: +49.(0)941.78004.489 - www.OneVision.com Commerzbank Regensburg - BLZ 750 400 62 - Konto 6011050 Handelsregister: HRA 6744, Amtsgericht Regensburg Komplementärin: OneVision Software Entwicklungs Verwaltungs GmbH Dr.-Leo-Ritter-Straße 9 – 93049 Regensburg Handelsregister: HRB 8932, Amtsgericht Regensburg - Geschäftsführer: Ulrike Döhler, Manuela Kluger