Kai Ruottu wrote:
Paul Brook wrote:
How can I get the build scripts to use the precompiled gcc throughout
the build process ?
Short answer is you can't. The newly build gcc is always used to build the target libraries.
 Nice statement but what does this really mean?

Does this for instance mean that: "The newly build gcc is always used to build the target C libraries ? A native GCC builder now expecting those '/usr/lib/*crt*.o' startups, '/lib/libc.so.6', '/lib/ld-linux.so.2', '/usr/libc.a' etc. "target libraries" being
rebuilt with the new "better" GCC  to be "smaller and quicker" ?

No, it doesn't. In this case, "target libraries" only means the runtime library files that are part of the GCC distribution, in their form that's intended for execution on the target computer -- things like libgcc, libgfortran, and so forth. It does not mean the compiler-independent library files that you're thinking of.

The reason for this is that things like libgcc and libgfortran are effectively "part of" the compiler. Calls to things in these libraries are almost always inserted by the compiler, not directly by the programmer, and they are specific to the particular compiler that's in use and can even change from version to version of the same compiler.

- Brooks

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