Thanks for the answer, but I understand very little of it.

The above can be read as:

If TARGET_64BIT is true, then TARGET_C99_FUNCTIONS is true,
otherwise if we're targeting 10.3 or later, then TARGET_C99_FUNCTIONS
is true, otherwise, TARGET_C99_FUNCTIONS is false.

So far so good.

we are targeting means that flag:

    The earliest version of MacOS X that this executable will
    run on is version.
    Typical values of version include 10.1, 10.2, and 10.3.9.

    The default for this option is to make choices that seem
    to be most useful.

Is this under the user control and how?

Yup. You can set it on the command line. A lot of people I've noticed set it to 10.3.9 for the latest panther update. 10.4 would mean tiger and above, and
10.5 will be leopard and above.

though, the exact default for this flag is changing (has change, is
going to change).

I noticed that!

The idea, I believe, is that the default will be the system that you are currently

For example, if you tell it,

How could I? I would be interested by 10.3.9 (possibly 10.4.9).

gcc -mmacosx-version-min=10.3.9 ...

This is a part I cannot decipher.

Don't worry about that :) Basically it's depending things based on other
command line options by default. If, however, you always set it then you
should be fine there. I wouldn't set it for developing gcc, just using
gcc to develop some other application.


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