GCC has been approved as a supported project for Google's Summer of Code 2007. Summer of Code is a program in which Google pays students to work on open source projects.
Now we need people to sign up as mentors. As a rule of thumb I think mentors should be restricted to people listed in the MAINTAINERS file, which still gives us plenty to choose from. If you are interested, please sign up at http://code.google.com/soc/mentor_step1.html The benefits of being a mentor for a student are the chance to help him or her learn about gcc and increase the number of people who work on it. And, of course, gcc will improve. Plus I think that the mentor gets a T-shirt. If you sign up as a mentor, you will be able to vote on the projects submitted to Summer of Code for gcc. That will be helpful even if you don't wind up acting as a mentor for any specific project. For each approved and completed project, the student will receive $4500, and the gcc project will receive $500. As we did last year, our share of the money will go to the Free Software Foundation. That URL again: http://code.google.com/soc/mentor_step1.html Thanks! Ian