
in some cases, a breakpoint can't be set on a continue or break statement. Here is a simple example:

void foc (void)
  int a, i;

  for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
    if (i < 3)
      a = 1;
      break; // line 9
    a = 5;

int main(void)
  foc ();

The reason is quiet simple: even at -O0 -g, there is no insn (and no BB) corresponding to the break/continue statement.
Here is a small patch which fixes the issue.
I wonder if this is the right approach. This patch makes the code generated at -O0 uglier...

I think this issue has already been discussed, at least for gcc 3.4


Attachment: bp.diff
Description: Binary data

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