>  Zero is completely acceptable for a null pointer constant in all 
 > circumstances *except* when passing to a varargs function, which can go 
 > badly wrong on platforms where the sizeof a pointer is larger than the 
 > sizeof an int.

This is a serious loophole on such platforms, since the compiler cannot 
diagnose the error. (The "sentinel" attribute covers only one special case.)  
Our approach has been to ask compiler vendors to widen such integer arguments 
to intptr_t (or uintptr_t), which is happily doable since the vendors are 
already passing `int' arguments in intptr-wide registers or stack slots.  A 
couple vendors only gave us a secret option for this, we are now asking them to 
enable the option by default :-)

This is also a problem when passing to a function whose prototype is not in 
scope.  (Compilers can issue a diagnostic for that, but they should also widen 
in such cases as well.)

Tom Truscott

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