On 04/03/2007, at 12:25 AM, FX Coudert wrote:

I'd like to ping these two problems :)

i386-unknown-netbsdelf2.0.2 (and possibly newer versions) and i386- pc-mingw32 (latest released version) are still completely broken on mainline, as they have been for more that three months.

I spent some time on this but ran out. The point I got up to was that I found out that the machine I was using apparently didn't have some tool (flex, or maybe bison) which I'd have to rebuild from source.

As it turns out, I do now have access to a NetBSD system, and will
look at that problem when I next get time.

Thanks. When you provid a patch, I will test it. (If someone else ever
wants access to a netbsd system, it's worth noting there's one on the
GCC compile farm!)

My understanding from 30589 is that a sufficiently recent version of
mingw32 has solved the problem.

The CVS version of mingw32 has the workaround, but most people aren't
using the CVS mingw32 (most people aren't using the last released
version anyway), so there'll be a need for a fix anyway.

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