First of all, my apology. It seems that I should have posted this
email to binutils's ML.
On 3/5/07, Daniel Jacobowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Sat, Mar 03, 2007 at 09:47:41PM +0800, Zhang Le wrote:
> Wouldn't it be great that we go one step further that we let ld look
> for libraries in the dir listed in $SYSROOT/etc/, if this
> file ever exits? Of course for each entry in $SYSROOT/etc/,
> we prefix $SYSROOT to it.
Did you try it? This should already happen if you configured binutils
with a sysroot.
Yes, I have tried.
My distribution is Gentoo, I used the crossdev utility to build the
cross toolchain.
The related code is:
is_cross && myconf="${myconf} --with-sysroot=/usr/${CTARGET}"
I was cross compiling KDE. However, it's failed because linker can't
find -lqt-mt.
I have used "strace -f" to check where linker looked for -lqt-mt. From
what I have observed, it seems that ld didn't use
Zhang Le, Robert
Linux Engineer/Trainer