> Andrew Pinski wrote:
> >> In http://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-4.3/changes.html appears
> >>
> >> "Support for SSSE3 built-in functions and code generation are available 
> >> via |-mssse3|."
> >>
> >> Is it SSE3 (i686 SIMD) or SSSE3 (strange, unknown)?
> >> Is it -mssse3 or -msse3?
> > 
> > -mssse3 is S-SSE3 which was added for code dual 2.
> > Yes the option is weird but that is what Intel wantted it to be called.
> > I don't want to start another fight with their stupid marketing guys
> > again like what happened with pentium4.
> Is the hyphen in "S-SSE3" the correct spelling, then?  If so, the text 
> of the announcement should probably be edited....

No, I just added it so you could see there was an extra S there.
Again this is what Intel gets for naming things too close to one another.

-- Pinski

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