On 2/13/07, Vladimir Makarov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 I am only affraid that solution for faster infrastructure
(e.g. another slimmer data representation) might change the interface
considerably.  I am not sure that I can convinince in this.  But I am
more worried about 4.3 release and I really believe that inclusion of
the data flow infrastructure should be the 1st step of stage 1 to give
people more time to solve at least some problems.


I'm really interested in hearing what aspect of the current interface
is not right. Can you tell us about just some rough sketch of
what slimmer (hence better) data representation would look like,
and why the current interface won't be ideal for that ?
It's not too late - if there's anything we can do to change
the interface so that it can accomodate
a potentially better implementation in the future,
I won't object to it - it's just that I haven't talked to you
to figure out what you have in mind.

Saying that I hurt some feeling people who put a lof of efforts in the
infrastracture like Danny, Ken, and Seongbae and I am sorry for that.

No feelings hurt. Thanks for all your feedback.
More eyes, especially experienced ones like you, can only help.
Also, thanks for trying out DF on Core2
- we need to look more closely why those regressions are
there and what/how we can do to fix those,
before such an evaluation, I can't tell whether this is a serious fundamental
problem or some easily fixable things that we haven't gotten to yet.
#pragma ident "Seongbae Park, compiler, http://seongbae.blogspot.com";

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