> On 2/12/07, Jiahua He <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am reading the code of autovect branch and curious about how to deal
> > with the dependencies of virtual defs/uses. In the function
> > vect_analyze_scalar_cycles( ), I found the statement "Skip virtual
> > phi's. The data dependences that are associated with virtual defs/uses
> > ( i.e., memory accesses) are analyzed elsewhere." But where is the
> > code? I tried to search  for "vect_induction_def" and
> > "vect_reduction_def" and found that they are not used to assign
> > elsewhere. Is the analysis not implemented yet? Thanks in advance!
> They show up as data references because of tree-data-reference.c marking
> At lets, that's how other linear loop transforms handles it.
> Not sure about how vectorizer deals with it specifically

We don't analyze the def-use cycles created by virtual defs/uses. We make
sure that any stmt in the loop that has virtual defs/uses associated with
it is a load/store stmt (i.e. has a dataref in its rhs/lhs), and then,
separately, we make sure we can analyze all the datarefs in the loop and
compute the dependence relations between them.


> >
> > Jiahua
> >

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