Well, not really. But there are a lot of new features and important
things missing. And it should be responsibility of whoever added the
new feature to document it, shouldn't it? So now that we are in the
late phase of stage3, it could be a good moment.

Martin Michlmayr listed some things that may be worth mentioning:

Some of them are still missing. Other things are not present in that
list, for example the new diagnostics pragmas.

I have made a quick and dirty Perl script for getting the changelog of
all the commits done by a single developer during GCC 4.2 lifetime.
So, take a look to your history and check whether you forgot to
mention something in http://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-4.2/changes.html before it
is too late!

Let's tell the world what we have prepared for GCC 4.2! [*]



[*] Actually, not 'we' but 'you'. I got involved in GCC after 4.2 was
branched. ;-)
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

my $USER="mmitchel";
my $GCC_VERSION = "4.2";
my $PREV_GCC_VERSION = "4.1";
my $SVNREPOS = "svn://gcc.gnu.org/svn";

my $buffer;
my $url;
my $svnlog = "svn log --incremental";

$GCC_VERSION =~ s/\./_/g;
$PREV_GCC_VERSION =~ s/\./_/g;

$url = "${SVNREPOS}/gcc/branches/gcc-${PREV_GCC_VERSION}-branch/";
$buffer = `$svnlog --stop-on-copy $url | grep -e "^r" | tail -n 1`;
my $prevbranch;
($prevbranch) = ($buffer =~ m/^r(\d+) /);

$url = "${SVNREPOS}/gcc/branches/gcc-$GCC_VERSION-branch/";
$buffer = `$svnlog --stop-on-copy $url | grep -e "^r" | tail -n 1`;
my $lastbranch;
($lastbranch) = ($buffer =~ m/^r(\d+) /);

$url = "${SVNREPOS}/gcc/trunk/";
@buffer = `$svnlog -r $prevbranch:$lastbranch $url | grep -e "^r" | grep -e "| $USER |"`;
foreach $line (@buffer)
    $line =~ m/^r(\d+) /;
    print `$svnlog -r $1 $url`;

$url = "${SVNREPOS}/gcc/branches/gcc-$GCC_VERSION-branch/";
@buffer = `$svnlog -r $lastbranch:HEAD $url | grep -e "^r" | grep -e "| $USER |"`;
foreach $line (@buffer)
    $line =~ m/^r(\d+) /;
    print `$svnlog -r $1 $url`;

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