I submitted a patch to gengtype-lex.l last week to gcc-patches.  The
patch uses some flex %option directives.  Ian Taylor asked me to check
if the patch passed through flex 2.5.4, which is the current minimum
required version.  It didn't work.

Through some experimentation, I learned that the minimum version of Flex
that did accept my patch was 2.5.31.  The effect of the patch is that it
eliminates around ten warnings from the build.

I think it's worth raising the minimum required version from 2.5.4 to
2.5.31.  The latter version was released in March, 2003, so it is hardly
bleeding edge.  Mike Stump commented that so few developers actually
need flex for development work, that it will represent a very small
inconvenience.  Moreover, users get the generated C code in their GCC
releases, so they never have to install flew anyway.


Index: install.texi
--- install.texi        (revision 121047)
+++ install.texi        (working copy)
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ Necessary to build GCC during developmen
 files are not included in the SVN repository.  They are included in
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Flex version 2.5.4 (or later)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Flex version 2.5.31 (or later)
 Necessary when modifying @file{*.l} files. 


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