Probably someone else may give better answer, but shortly with the
many extensions (ad-hocks) to the C/C++ grammar the task of preparing
the inputs for the lex and bison seems not so trivial. Also, the
automatically generated parser wouldn't be as efficient as it is now.

On 1/18/07, Paulo J. Matos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all,

I was quite surprised to see that the C Parser was manually
implemented and you didn't use any parser generator.

I would be curious regarding this decision. I would think the
development of a C parser would be an almost unsurmountable task and
not very logic given the parser generators in existence today.

Can someone comment this? (which issues led to this decision?)

Paulo Jorge Matos - pocm at
PhD Student @ ECS
University of Southampton, UK

Ferad Zyulkyarov
Barcelona Supercomputing Center

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