Roberto Bagnara wrote:

I am sorry if I brought you to think that I am asking something
for me.  There is no longer a problem for me personally: I will
simply stop using % in my projects (which, by the way are in C++)
and will use custom functions instead.  I have almost finished
an Autoconf test to check for this bug.  Most importantly, I am
now perfectly aware of the problem.  I have filed a couple
of bug reports, one for GCC and the other for the Intel C/C++
compiler.  I have been told that a C Standard Defect Report
already exists on this subject.  So, it is the end of the
story, as far as I am personally concerned.
Concerning the community (to which I belong, by the way)
I propose that, to start with, the documentation is modified
to mention this problem in a prominent way.  The text can
be borrowed from the new Autoconf's documentation that has
been recently discussed on this list.

OK, so sounds like this bug definitely is in the status of
being of extremly low priority, since the only user who has
ever cared about it so far doesn't care any more

There are lots of known bugs far more important than this one.


Are you *really* surprised by that statement above, if so
it's pretty amazing.

I hope they are all in Bugzilla: the one we are talking
about was apparently not there until a couple of hours ago.

Maybe they are may be not, it's not that critical, since
there are lots of serious bugs that are not known. So you
can never write programs that critically depend on compiler

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