Dear GCC Developers/Users,

I am trying to port a backend from GCC version to version 4.1.1.
As far as I have seen, a lot of new relevant files were introduced to
build a good structure for new backends.

I am wondering where to define the prototypes for functions in
<machine>.c Shall the prototypes be defined in <machine>-protos.h or in
<machine>.h or in <machine>.c. As far as I understand the prototypes
should be defined in <machine>-protos.h, right? But if I do so several
errors/warnings arise because of undeclared prototypes.

Another question is where target macros should be defined. As far as I
can see <machine>.c has something like such a structure:

#define <SOME_MACRO>
#define <SOME_MACRO>
#define <SOME_MACRO>
#define <SOME_MACRO>

struct gcc_target targetm = TARGET_INITIALIZER;

But there are also a lot of macros defined in <machine>.h. What kind of
macros should be defined in <machine>.h and which macros should be
defined in <machine>.c?

I try to write good and standardised code in order to contribute my
development. I would appreciate any help. By the way, I already had a
look in the GCC Internals manual but I am still a bit confused.

Thanks in advance and regards,
Markus Franke

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