Q1) How to bootstrap the compiler, including all libraries?
A1) "make" from the top directory

Could some of the build system experts please provide the answers
for the following questions?

Q2) How to bootstrap the compiler, but not build any time consuming
    libraries (libjava, libstdc++)?

A2) "make stage{2,3,feedback}-bubble"

Q3) How to compile just the stage1 compiler + the basic runtime
    (libgcc, libmudflap, libgomp)?

A3) make stage1-bubble all-target-libmudflap all-target-libgomp

Q4) How to compile all the libraries (libjava, ...) using the stage1

A4) Configure with --enable-stage1-languages=all

Q5) How to clean up everything (including the stage1 compiler, but
    excluding makefiles, so that I can build everything from scratch,
    but configure does not have to be run)?

make clean (or make cleanstrap to also start a bootstrap)

Q6) How to clean up everything except for the stage1 compiler and
    its runtime (libgcc, libmudflap, libgomp)?

make restrap (which will also start a bootstrap)

And of course, how to do any other useful things that I have forgotten

I would like to ask if, in your opinion, libssp, libmudflap and libgomp should be bootstrapped like libgcc is. I would think that, for automatic parallelization, you'd need at least libgomp.

In this case, the answer to Q3 would be simply "make stage1-bubble".


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