On 15/01/07, Martin Sebor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Paolo Carlini wrote:
> Anyway, note that our -Wconversion is not part of -Wall, not even
> -Wextra: are you maintaining that probably the bits having to do with
> float <-> integer should also be part of -Wall or at least -Wextra?
We use both -Wall and -W so we don't really have a preference for
which warnings are controlled by which of the two options but since
these initializations can (unexpectedly) yield a different value
than the initializing expression I think it deserves a warning
even if it's not explicitly requested. That way users will get the
benefit of the new feature after upgrading without having to read
the new manual or tweaking their makefiles. (I think it might even
be safe to assume that most users who use -Wall actually expect to
see all warnings, or at least wouldn't be surprised if a new
warning were added).
I vote against adding Wconversion to Wall before 4.3 is branched.
Wconversion is new (I mean, there are still patches pending review!)
and probably too noisy now. I compiled the linux kernel with it and it
bursted in warnings.
People using the old Wconversion are going to be hit by this (and
unexplicably there is a lot of people using it), but at least they are
using Wconversion explicitly (perhaps because they did not read the
manual). I would like to receive the feedback from this group before
hitting everybody that uses Wall (who is not using Wall?), so whoever
decides to hack on Wconversion has enough time to fine-tune it.
By the way, I will also vote against adding Wconversion to Wextra
before 4.3 is branched.
Of course, I am the new guy in the block, so you may do as you wish.