James Dennett wrote:

There has been much debate, and a large fraction of those
involved feel that static checking of exceptions in C++ is
*not* an improvement from the current situation.  There
has also been much written on the weaknesses of the Java

Note: I'm not expressing my personal opinion above on
static vs. dynamic checking.  Just noting that what you
feel is "obviously an improvement" is controversial.

It is interesting to note that Ada, a language that
implemented exception handling back in the early 80's,
debated this issue and also decided that it was
undesirable to introduce this feature.

Probably it could make good sense in a small subset
of one of these languages, but in the full language
context it is dubious.

Wouldn't an option to g++ be only helpful here?

I think it would be inadvisable, g++ should not be in
the business of second guessing well discussed language
design decisions and generating variants by introducing
features unlikely to ever be accepted by the standard.

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