I just committed the patch below which clarifies that maintainers are 
allowed to make/approve changes to those parts of our documentation
that are related to their area of maintainership.

This is not a change in policy, just a clarification, but since there
has been some uncertainty in this area I am also posting this to the
gcc list, not just gcc-patches.


PS: The change from "files" to "areas" in the second hunk is necessary
because one file with documentation usually covers several, if not many
areas of the compiler (think gcc/doc/invoke.texi, for example).

Index: svnwrite.html
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/wwwdocs/htdocs/svnwrite.html,v
retrieving revision 1.13
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -u -3 -p -r1.13 -r1.14
--- svnwrite.html       21 Sep 2006 14:17:36 -0000      1.13
+++ svnwrite.html       7 Jan 2007 00:12:34 -0000       1.14
@@ -105,9 +105,10 @@ developer to follow the appropriate poli
   <dt>Localized write permission.</dt>
   <dd><p>This is for people who have primary responsibility for ports,
   front ends, or significant hunks of code in the compiler.  These
-  folks are allowed to make changes in code they maintain without
+  folks are allowed to make changes in code they maintain and
+  documentation related to that code without
   approval from anyone else, and approve other people's changes in
-  those files. They must get approval from the appropriate maintainers
+  those areas. They must get approval from the appropriate maintainers
   for changes elsewhere in the compiler.</p>
   <p>Maintainers of a port maintain the files in config/<i>port</i>/,

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