> [ omitting gcc-patches ]
> On Fri, 5 Jan 2007, Joe Buck wrote:
> > I'd like to see it closed.  We have some bugs that are only open
> > because they are targeted for 4.0.4 (fixed on all branches but 4_0).
> If there is consensus, I'll be happy to take the appropriate steps,
> which include:
>  1. Updating our web pages
>  2. Sending a notification to the gcc list
>  3. Running a final snapshot (so that we have a tarball matching
>     the head of that tree)
>  4. Stopping the snapshot mechanism
> How about waiting ten days, say, see whether anyone has substantial
> objections, and proceed as noted above?  (We are usually operating
> on Internet time, but giving people more than a week is fair, I think.)

I am willing to be the release manager for 4.0.4 if nobody else
steps up to the base for this.

Andrew Pinski

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