On Fri, Dec 15, 2006 at 07:48:29PM -0500, Andrew Pinski wrote:
> This is not an issue since this is actually invalid C++ and has already been 
> documented
> on http://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-4.1/changes.html:
> # ARM-style name-injection of friend declarations is no longer the default. 
> For example:
>           struct S {
>             friend void f();
>           };
>           void g() { f(); }

> will not be accepted; instead a declaration of f will need to be present
> outside of the scope of S. The new -ffriend-injection option will enable
> the old behavior.

Yes, I'd vaguely recalled this, which is why I thought of adding
real declarations of f().  But I still think that there is a bug here:
the error message produced is nonsense.

It looks like

q.C: In function ����int main()����:
q.C:18: error: no matches converting function ����f���� to type ����void 
(*)(class A&, const int&)����
q.C:4: error: candidates are: void f(A&, const int&)
q.C:5: error:                 void f(A&)

However, this is false: neither declaration of f is a candidate, because
name-injection of friends is not allowed.  If they were candidates, the
first one would be an exact match and would be accepted.

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