On Mon, Dec 04, 2006 at 07:51:00PM +0000, Manuel López-Ibáñez wrote:
> Dear Janis,
> I am having problems implementing your proposal.
> The following testcase should fail with current mainline for everydg-bogus. 
> It actually passes perfectly :-(.  I have tried removingthe  dg-warning 
> tests but then only the first dg-bogus fails, whilethe other dg-bogus pass. 
> The results are also unexpected if you removeonly one or two dg-warning.
> Any idea of what is going on ?

Each check for dg-error, dg-warning, or dg-bogus removes the matched
text from the compiler output so it's no longer available to match
later tests.  You'll need separate tests for the dg-warning checks and
the dg-bogus checks.


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