> However, there is still a question which puzzles me a lot? Why gengtype is
> not a sort of filter or generator (like yacc is) taking a (list of) files on
> input and producing a file on output?

It used to take a list of files on its command line, but the list
was so long we were running into length limits (and not just on
old crufty systems, either).  It doesn't produce a file on stdout
because it produces a whole bunch of files in one run.

I have a patch which makes it read the set of input files from stdin
or a file named on the command line - see
http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2006-10/msg00197.html (it is tangled
with another change in that message, unfortunately).  I mean to polish that
up and submit it properly in the near future, but that could mean anything
from two weeks to next development cycle.  Feel free to take it over.

(if you're interested in general improvements to gengtype, mail me
off-list, I have other stuff you might like to pick up on)


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