On 11/29/06, Michael Eager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ulf Magnusson wrote:
> While searching for an answer, I noticed that lots of people seem
> to have had problems with cross-compilation that to me look more
> like problems in the documentation, which I find a bit sad.
Rather than repeatedly complain, the most constructive
contribution would be to contribute to the project.
You can feel sad all you want, but being patronizing is
not going to get much sympathy.
I'm sorry if I came off as patronizing, it's not the way it was meant
to sound. It's just that I've seen a lot of open source software that
has this problem, and I don't like it because I think it hinders the
spread of open source software.
I'd be happy to contribute some documentation on this. I just hope I
have a firm enough grip on the issue. Where should I send drafts for
review? Is there some other resource I should be aware of besides
/Ulf Magnusson