Sorry, but our NetCat (he he) ate part of my previous e-mail. She (yep it's a
she) lives in our mail server...

Here's what was left out...

> > b. Are LOOP_EXPRs decomposable to combinations of if-then-else and gotos?
> It
> > would help for VM (virtual machine) execution of GIMPLE IR. Ideally, a
> > representation of a program should be possible without use of LOOP_EXPRs.
> Errr, LOOP_EXPR doesn't actually exist anymore :)
> Loops are always lowered to if-then-else and gotos.

That's nice! I'll check on how things are handled now. Is this true for latest
release, mainline - current gcc trunk, or gimple-tuples?

> > c. It would be interesting to support simple if-then statements in GIMPLE.
> I.e.
> > that do not contain blocks of statements with size larger than one.
> Now *this* would be ugly, IMHO, because you'd have to special case
> these everywhere.

I understand your point. My approach would generate heavily unstructured code.
But in order to execute GIMPLE on a VM (I know, i'm stuck to that:) a "predicate
 transformation" would be then needed. At first, it looks doable.

Thanks again for expressing your opinion.

Kind regards
Nikolaos Kavvadias

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