but i want to use the .cfg file to construct directly a tree_cfg in C
language using the TREE SSA libraries of gcc. The doc-page is the follow I'm
not understand how to use this libraries to contstruct a tree-cfg to
Can you help me?
Thanks to all,
Diego Novillo ha scritto:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 11/15/06 06:06:
Hi all,
i must use cfg library to build and manipulate a control flow graph.
I have read more but i have not found an answer to my question: It is
possible to build a cfg structure directly from a file .cfg ?? How i
can building a cfg from a file??
Thanks to all,
Ask for a dump using the -blocks switch and post-process the dump file
with the attached script.
$ gcc -fdump-tree-all-blocks file.c
$ dump2dot file.c.XXXt.yyy
It generates a graphviz file with the flow graph of the function. The
script is fairly simplistic and will not handle more than one function
too gracefully, but that should be easy to change.
# (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation
# Contributed by Diego Novillo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
# This script is Free Software, and it can be copied, distributed and
# modified as defined in the GNU General Public License. A copy of
# its license can be downloaded from
if [ "$1" = "" ] ; then
echo "usage: $0 file"
echo "Generates a GraphViz .dot graph file from 'file'."
echo "It assumes that 'file' has been generated with -fdump-tree-...-blocks"
exit 1
echo "digraph cfg {" > $out
echo " node [shape=box]" >>$out
echo ' size="11,8.5"' >>$out
echo >>$out
(grep -E '# BLOCK|# PRED:|# SUCC:' $file | \
sed -e 's:\[\([0-9\.%]*\)*\]::g;s:([a-z_,]*)::g' | \
awk '{ #print $0; \
if ($2 == "BLOCK") \
{ \
bb = $3; \
print "\t", bb, "[label=\"", bb, "\", style=filled,
color=gray]"; \
} \
else if ($2 == "PRED:") \
{ \
for (i = 3; i <= NF; i++) \
print "\t", $i, "->", bb, ";"; \
} \
}') >> $out
echo "}" >> $out