Except this is a different issue as the patch is for Darwin. http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2006-11/msg00168.html
Geoff appears to have given a workaround for the problem and has promised to inquire further about more up to date solutions. Another solution, of course, is to revert the default back to stabs. Or use Shantonu's workaround. Personally I agree with Daniel's complaint on the issue and we may need to temporarily revert that single patch until a newer dwarf-utilities can be distributed.
This is also one reason why I suggested a specific version of Darwin that is required.
That may not be a bad idea.
Oh and 10.0, 10.1, 10.2 compiling with GCC are all broken (so is 10.3).
I'd probably suggest at least 10.3.9 myself. I'm not sure since 10.3.x predates
my employment at apple, or what the current policy is regarding it. -eric