
I have discovered that volatile expresions can cause the tree-ssa pre pass to loop forever in "compute_antic". The problem seems to be that the expresion is assigned a different value number at each iteration, hence the fixed point required to exit the loop is never reached.

This can be fixed with the attached patch, which modifies "can_value_number_operation" to return false for volatile expresions. I think this makes sense, because you cannot value number volatile expresions (in the same sense that you cannot value number non pure or const function calls).

I cannot easily provide a testcase because this problem appears only with a gcc frontend that I am writting. With this fix, volatile acesses work correctly (without it they work correctly only if this pass is disabled).

   Do you think this patch is correct?


Index: gcc/tree-ssa-pre.c
--- gcc/tree-ssa-pre.c	(revision 557)
+++ gcc/tree-ssa-pre.c	(working copy)
@@ -2133,12 +2133,13 @@
 static bool
 can_value_number_operation (tree op)
-  return UNARY_CLASS_P (op)
-    || BINARY_CLASS_P (op)
-    || REFERENCE_CLASS_P (op)
-    || (TREE_CODE (op) == CALL_EXPR
-	&& can_value_number_call (op));
+  return (UNARY_CLASS_P (op)
+	  || BINARY_CLASS_P (op)
+	  || (TREE_CODE (op) == CALL_EXPR
+	      && can_value_number_call (op))) 
+    && !TREE_THIS_VOLATILE (op);

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