On Nov 2, 2006, at 5:33 AM, Mark Shinwell wrote:
Ian Ollmann wrote:
stronger type checking seems like a good idea to me in general.
I agree, but I don't really want to break lots of code all at once,
even if that code is being slightly more slack than it perhaps ought
to be :-)
Given that no-one has really objected to stronger type-checking here
_per se_, then I see two ways forward:
1. Treat this as a regression: fix it and cause errors upon bad
conversions, but risk breaking code.
2. Emit a warning in cases of converting "vector signed int" to
"vector unsigned int", etc., and state that the behaviour will change
to an error in a later version.
I filed a bug (to the Apple bug queue) when I first noticed the
relaxation of type checking which essentially asked for #1.
That was of course some time ago. A lot of code has happened between
then and now.
If you take option #2, that will leave the world with a bunch of code
that will only compile on GCC ...not that there are that many other
AltiVec enabled compilers left... In any case, It seems to me like
it is a good idea to fix the code while someone still remembers what
it does.