I'm attempting to port GCC to our companys 32bit microprocessor, and I'm a bit overwhelmed.

Looking through some of the documentation (there's quite a lot of it!) I can't seem to find the answers to a few questions. Pardon me if they seem basic and obvious.

We already have an assembler and linker for the processor. Should I (or can I) use them as the back end of GCC? If I do use them, can I use the GCC debugger (or binutils or wherever the debugger that is tied to GCC is)?

If I cannot use our current assembler & linker, is there any documentation for porting GAS (I've looked and I can't seem to find any)?

The processor has a relocateable object loader in it's internally ROMed BIOS which I'd prefer to use, but it's a proprietary format that, as far as I know, does not conform to any previous standard. The loader is extendable, buy bootstrapping in another loader.

In the port for GAS, can I describe this format? Or do I need to write a back end to convert it's output to our format, or write another loader?

If I'm posting to the wrong list, please point me to the correct one.


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