    Wouldn't we want something like...

Index: darwin_stop_world.c
--- darwin_stop_world.c (revision 117133)
+++ darwin_stop_world.c (working copy)
@@ -61,7 +61,11 @@ typedef struct StackFrame {
   unsigned long        savedRTOC;
 } StackFrame;
+#ifdef __powerpc64__
+unsigned long FindTopOfStack(unsigned long stack_start) {
 unsigned long FindTopOfStack(unsigned int stack_start) {
   StackFrame   *frame;
   if (stack_start == 0) {

Unfortunately _powerpc64_ doesn't seem to be defined in boehm-gc
for that directory, but if I manually force...

unsigned long FindTopOfStack(unsigned long stack_start) {

to be used at -m64, the compile warning disappears. We have
the same issue in gcc-4.2-20060915/libffi/src/powerpc/ffi_darwin.c
(which might explain why it fails so many tests at -m64).


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