On 9/20/06, Mark Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
As I mentioned in passing last night, I'm reviewing the open GCC 4.2 PRs
and catching up on the mailing list traffic today, with the intent of
announcing a GCC 4.2 branch date later today together with thoughts
about staging the GCC 4.3 contributions.
I know that this is very short notice, but if anyone has input about
whether or not we are ready to branch, that would be very helpful. Also
helpful would be to add 4.3 project pages to the Wiki for any projects
not already mentioned.
The branch date will be no sooner than one week from today, so don't
worry if you don't have time to get me input today. I will revise both
the branch date and 4.3 staging in response to feedback; consider
today's expected mail as a first try.
Do you plan to announce the 4.1.2 schedule at the same time?