
> >what you do seems basically OK to me.  The problem is that you also need
> >to fix the ssa form for the virtual operands of the added calls
> >(i.e., you must call mark_new_vars_to_rename for each of the calls,
> >and update_ssa once at the end of tree_handle_loop).
> >
> >Zdenek
> >
> Ok, by inserting the mark_new_vars_to_rename and the TODO_update_ssa  
> flag in the associated struct tree_opt_pass.
> This works (yeah!) and I can link my call before loads but it seems to  
> miss some...
> To pass through the statements I use :
>       datarefs = VEC_alloc (data_reference_p, heap, 10);
>       dependence_relations = VEC_alloc (ddr_p, heap, 10 * 10);
>       compute_data_dependences_for_loop (loop_nest, true, &datarefs,
>                                          &dependence_relations);
>       for (j = 0; VEC_iterate (data_reference_p, datarefs, j, a); j++)
>         {
>           tree stmt = DR_STMT (a);
>           /* See if it is a load */
>           if (DR_IS_READ (a))
> However if in my test code I have this :
>     for(i=0;i<10;i++)
>         for(j=i+1;j<10;j++)
>         {
>             a = t[j];
>             b = t[i-1];
>             //Calculations with a and b...
>        }
> I get am able to insert before the first load but the second doesn't  
> seem captured, this is what I get from debug_loop_ir :
>         __MarkovMainEntry (2);
>         #   VUSE <SMT.55_20>;
>         a_12 = *D.2174_11;
>         #   VUSE <SMT.55_20>;
>         b_18 = *D.2179_17;
> Any idea why ? I've looked around in the code to see how they parse  
> the data dependance tree but I don't see a difference.

is there the data reference for it in the datarefs array?


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