On Wed, Aug 30, 2006 at 06:36:19PM +0200, Basile STARYNKEVITCH wrote: > Maybe some of your are aware of MyGCC http://mygcc.free.fr/ which > seems to be an extended GCC to add some kind of static analysis. > > I'm quite surprised that the mygcc page gives x86/linux binaries, but > no source tarball of their compiler (this seems to me against the > spirit of the GPL licence, but I am not a lawyer).
Not just the spirit; the GPL requires that full sources be made available, not just a patch (alternatively, a written offer to provide full source can be provided with the binary, but one or the other is required). However, I can't tell if there is a violation, since I haven't downloaded the tarball and looked for written offers, and it appears that if there is a violation, it is a well-intentioned error. This is the kind of thing that the FSF usually resolves quietly and amicably.