> We can say something like:
> "In GNU C, you may cast a function pointer of one type to a function
> pointer of another type.  If you use a function pointer to call a
> function, and the dynamic type of the function pointed to by the
> function pointer is not the same as indicated by the static type of the
> function pointer, then the results of the call are unspecified.  In
> general, if the types are not too different (e.g., the dynamic type is
> "void ()(unsigned int)" while the static type is "void ()(int)"), then
> the results of the call will probably be as you expect.  However, if the
> types are sufficiently different, there is no guarantee that your
> program will behave in any predictable fashion."
> The use of "unspecified" here (as opposed to "undefined") indicates
> that, while we're not saying what happens, we're also suggesting that
> this is a more benign issue.

It may lead to misunderstanding since standard uses "unspecified behavior"
wording with other meaning: when standard provides two or more
and imposes no requirements on which is chosen, i.e. "the order of
of function-call parameters is unspecified".

The result of calling function pointer casted to sufficiently different
type is
a real example an undefined behavior.

I suggest to avoid using "unspecified" wording here.

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