At <>
Mark Mitchell wrote: 

> I think it would be better to adopt [mingw-targetted] G++ to use
> whatever method Microsoft uses to handle static destructions.
> Ultimately, I would like to see G++ support the Microsoft C++ ABI --
> unless we can convince Microsoft to support the cross-platform C++
ABI. :-)

FWIW, looking at assembly produced by MS cl.exe for the
old-deja/g++.other testcases init5.C, init18.C, init19.C, the
destructors are registered with atexit, Ditto if I replace main
with DllMain and compile as dll.

I have a patch that allows use of atexit for destructors in the same way
__cxa_atexit in cp/decl.c and decl2.c and will submit in Stage1 next.


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