--- Andrew Haley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Etienne Lorrain writes:
>  > > The correct version is I think,
>  > >
>  > > void longcpy(long* _dst, long* _src, unsigned _numwords)
>  > >  {
>  > >     asm volatile (
>  > >         "cld         \n\t"
>  > >         "rep         \n\t"
>  > >         "movsl       \n\t"
>  > >  // Outputs (read/write)
>  > >         : "=S" (_src), "=D" (_dst), "=c" (_numwords)
>  > >  // Inputs - specify same registers as outputs
>  > >         : "0"  (_src), "1"  (_dst), "2"  (_numwords)
>  > >  // Clobbers: direction flag, so "cc", and "memory"
>  > >         : "cc", "memory"
>  > >         );
>  > > }
>  > 
>  >   I did not re-check with GCC-4.1.1, but I noticed problems with this
>  >  kind of "memory" clobber: when the source you are copying from is
>  >  not in memory but (is a structure) in the stack. I have to say that
>  >  I tend to use a form without "volatile" after the asm (one of the
>  >  result has to be used then).
>  > 
>  >  The usual symtom is that the memcopy is done, but the *content* of the
>  >  source structure is not updated *before* the memcopy: nothing in your
>  >  asm says that the content of your pointer has to be up-to-date.
>  > 
>  >  The "memory" says that main memory will be changed, not that it will be
>  >  used, and if you are memcopy-ing from a structure in stack - for instance
>  >  a structure which fit in a register - you may have problems.
> Why, exactly?  the structure has its address taken, and therefore at
> the point at which the asm is invoked it'll be in memory.

 Well, first I am not sure it is still happening with GCC-4.1.1, and two I
 never got a reasonnable test case else you would have seen a bug report.
 The last time I noticed it was when I had to modify my file xms.h from:

extern inline unsigned short
_XMS_move_memory (farptr entrypoint, XMS_EMM *emm_struct,
                        unsigned char *error)
  unsigned short status;

  asm volatile (" lcallw *%a4   # XMS entry point, _XMS_move_memory "
        : "=a" (status), "=b" (*error)
        : "a" (0x0B00), "S" (emm_struct) /* %ds:%si */,
          "pr" (&entrypoint)

  if (status == 0x0001)
      return 0; /* OK */
      return 1; /* failed */


extern inline unsigned short
_XMS_move_memory (farptr entrypoint, XMS_EMM *emm_struct,
                        unsigned char *error)
  unsigned short status;

  asm volatile (" lcallw *%a4   # XMS entry point, _XMS_move_memory "
        : "=a" (status), "=b" (*error)
        : "a" (0x0B00), "S" (emm_struct) /* %ds:%si */,
          "pr" (&entrypoint), "m" (*emm_struct)

  if (status == 0x0001)
      return 0; /* OK */
      return 1; /* failed */

 With the first version Gujin (at sourceforge) does not work, with the second
 it does work - that function is inline in another big function so the assembler
 is not easy to read. emm_struct is a resonnably complex structure in the stack.
 I had to do this in few other include files with "m"(*ptr) or "X"(*ptr) for the
 same project in v1.4.

>  For sure,
> if you fail to use volatile the compiler may decide that the asm can
> be deleted.  So use volatile: that's what it's for.

 I do not want the asm to be deleted when it is used, but in some case the 
 sees that I am not using the result and so I want GCC to delete the asm.
inline void longcpy(long* _dst, long* _src, unsigned _numwords);
inline void fct (long array[3], int doit)
  long safe_copy[3];
  longcpy(safe_copy, array, 3);
  if (!doit)
      return; /* safe_copy not used at all, remove the variable and the asm() */
void fct2(void) { fct (x, 0); }

> If the compiler fails to write a struct to memory before the asm is
> executed, that's a bug in the compiler.

  It you just said GCC that the pointer is read I am not sure it is assuming
 that the content of this pointer is read - I may be wrong.


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