> Richard Guenther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > | As far as I understand we (GCC) have to develop our own codes > | independently of glibc unless RMS agrees to have copies/forks of > | glibc code in GCC (this includes license changes to GPL + libgcc exception > | like in this case). What is fine as far as I understand is extend/modify > | glibc itself to suit our needs - which is of course usually pointless > | because GCC is not in a glibc-only world.
This is sad. I've always believed that it was important to support both worlds in a balanced manner. I do believe that making the generic code available to the non-glibc world is in fact extending its usage. There is the suggestion in the above that there may be considerations beyond licensing and copyright involved. > I hope you're still interested in and motivated by the ligcc-math project. My impression is that this is blocked. Dave -- J. David Anglin [EMAIL PROTECTED] National Research Council of Canada (613) 990-0752 (FAX: 952-6602)