We have an application compiled with gcc written in C++.
This application generates dynamically code and executes it, using a
JIT, a Just In time Compiler. Everything is working OK until the C++
code generates a throw.
To get to the corresponding catch, the runtime should skip through the
intermediate frames in assembler generated by the JIT. We would like to
know how should be the interface with gcc to do this.
We thought for a moment that using sjlj_exceptions it would work, but we
fear that this is no longer being maintained.
1) Is this true?
2) Can we use sjlj exception under linux safely?
Otherwise, would it be possible to generate the DWARF Tables and add
those tables dynamically to the running program?
Under windows, Microsoft provides an API for JITs that does exactly
that. Is there an equivalent API for linux?
Thanks in advancefor any information about this.