On 01 May 2006 20:55, DJ Delorie wrote:

> At this point, I would like some feedback about the API and how to
> cleanly (namespace-wise) add it to libgcc.a.

  Um, I know it's a bit bikeshedcolour, and sorry about that, but wouldn't a
target-dependent builtin be a better fit to this kind of problem?  A
subroutine call just to fetch/modify a cpu register seems a bit heavy.  Maybe
at -Os, given that this is an embedded target, but even so.

  Otherwise this sort of thing should live in the main C lib, the way
fpu_control.h and feset/getround/etc. do, shouldn't it?

> #define FR 0x00200000
> #define SZ 0x00100000
> #define PR 0x00080000
> #define DN 0x00040000
> #define RN 0x00000003
> #define RN_N 0
> #define RN_Z 1

  A name like 'SZ' is highly likely to collide with a lot of applications if
its in the same namespace, isn't it?

> extern int __fpscr_values[2];
> void
> change_fpscr(int off, int on)
> {
>   int b = get_fpscr();
>   off = ~off;
>   off |=   0x00180000;
>   on  &= ~ 0x00180000;

  :)  Shouldn't that be (SZ | PR) since you went to the effort of defining
them anyway? 

>   b &= off;
>   b |= on;
>   put_fpscr(b);

  See, this is all nice simple stuff that would optimise beautifully if it was
emitted as inline rtl.

>   __fpscr_values[0] &= off;
>   __fpscr_values[0] |= on;
>   __fpscr_values[1] &= off;
>   __fpscr_values[1] |= on;

  Ok, I'll bite.  Why are there two of them?!

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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