On 05 April 2006 13:57, Colm O' Flaherty wrote:

  Addressing specifically the questions in that post you linked to:

> http://www.linuxhacker.org/cgi-bin/ezmlm-cgi/1

  It is a clear case of "mere aggregation".  Putting two things into a zip
file or tarball together does not suddenly turn one of them into a work
derived from the other.

  The "derived work" refers to the version of gcc derived from the GPL version
of gcc.  A bunch of scripts delivered alongside that derived work are not part
of it; they are not statically linked into gcc at compile time, nor
dynamically loaded into it as shared libs, so there can be no question of them
being a part of it; they are entirely separate works in their own right.  C30
is not "a work that contains gnu CC"; it is a collection of works, only one of
which is a work that contains gnu CC in its entirety (with some degree of
modifications); the remaining things stand separately.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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