Rafael EspĂ­ndola writes:
 > The attached patch removes the convert callback by
 > 1) copying the c implementation of convert to convert2
 > 2) changing all calls to convert in gcj and gfortran into calls to convert2
 > 3) adding a lang prefix to the remaining implementations (cxx_, c_, gnat_)
 > 4) renaming all convert calls in a front end to the corresponding 
 > implementation
 > 5) coping convert_and_check and constant_fits_type_p into the c++
 > front end so that it doesn't try to use convert2
 > 6) renaming all the remaining calls to convert into convert2
 > 7) removing the treelang, java and fortran implementation of convert
 > This patch was bootstraped and regtested on a x86 without any regressions!
 > I found a bit strange that there were no java regression since
 > convert_ieee_real_to_integer is no longer used. Is a testcase missing?

There's one in mauve.  I added this to the libgcj testsuite.

The libgcj testsuite isn't a complete test of the Java language, and I
don't think gcc developers would thank us if we made it one!


2006-04-03  Andrew Haley  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * testsuite/libjava.lang/Float_2.java: New file.

Index: testsuite/libjava.lang/Float_2.java
--- testsuite/libjava.lang/Float_2.java (revision 0)
+++ testsuite/libjava.lang/Float_2.java (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+// Test floating-point to integer conversion.  We do this twice, once
+// with literal conversions that can be optimized away and once using
+// a static field that can't.
+public class Float_2
+  public static double zero = 0.0;
+  public static void main (String argv[])
+  {
+    {
+      int itest = (int)(float)(0.0/0.0);
+      if (itest != 0)
+       System.err.println ("literal inf error 1: " + itest);   
+    }
+    {
+      int itest = (int)(0.0/0.0);
+      if (itest != 0)
+       System.err.println ("literal inf error 2" + itest);     
+    }
+    {
+      long ltest = (long)(0.0/0.0);
+      if (ltest != 0)
+       System.err.println ("literal inf error 3" + ltest);     
+    }
+    {
+      long ltest = (long)(float)(0.0/0.0);
+      if (ltest != 0)
+       System.err.println ("literal inf error 4" + ltest);     
+    }
+    {
+      int itest = (int)(float)(1.0/0.0);
+      if (itest != Integer.MAX_VALUE)
+       System.err.println ("literal max error 1: " + itest);   
+    }
+    {
+      int itest = (int)(1.0/0.0);
+      if (itest != Integer.MAX_VALUE)
+       System.err.println ("literal max error 2" + itest);     
+    }
+    {
+      long ltest = (long)(1.0/0.0);
+      if (ltest != Long.MAX_VALUE)
+       System.err.println ("literal max error 3" + ltest);     
+    }
+    {
+      long ltest = (long)(float)(1.0/0.0);
+      if (ltest != Long.MAX_VALUE)
+       System.err.println ("literal max error 4" + ltest);     
+    }
+    {
+      int itest = (int)(float)(-1.0/0.0);
+      if (itest != Integer.MIN_VALUE)
+       System.err.println ("literal min error 1: " + itest);   
+    }
+    {
+      int itest = (int)(-1.0/0.0);
+      if (itest != Integer.MIN_VALUE)
+       System.err.println ("literal min error 2" + itest);     
+    }
+    {
+      long ltest = (long)(-1.0/0.0);
+      if (ltest != Long.MIN_VALUE)
+       System.err.println ("literal min error 3" + ltest);     
+    }
+    {
+      long ltest = (long)(float)(-1.0/0.0);
+      if (ltest != Long.MIN_VALUE)
+       System.err.println ("literal min error 4" + ltest);     
+    }
+    {
+      int itest = (int)(float)(zero/zero);
+      if (itest != 0)
+       System.err.println ("calc inf error 1: " + itest);      
+    }
+    {
+      int itest = (int)(zero/zero);
+      if (itest != 0)
+       System.err.println ("calc inf error 2" + itest);        
+    }
+    {
+      long ltest = (long)(zero/zero);
+      if (ltest != 0)
+       System.err.println ("calc inf error 3" + ltest);        
+    }
+    {
+      long ltest = (long)(float)(zero/zero);
+      if (ltest != 0)
+       System.err.println ("calc inf error 4" + ltest);        
+    }
+    {
+      int itest = (int)(float)(1.0/zero);
+      if (itest != Integer.MAX_VALUE)
+       System.err.println ("calc max error 1: " + itest);      
+    }
+    {
+      int itest = (int)(1.0/zero);
+      if (itest != Integer.MAX_VALUE)
+       System.err.println ("calc max error 2" + itest);        
+    }
+    {
+      long ltest = (long)(1.0/zero);
+      if (ltest != Long.MAX_VALUE)
+       System.err.println ("calc max error 3" + ltest);        
+    }
+    {
+      long ltest = (long)(float)(1.0/zero);
+      if (ltest != Long.MAX_VALUE)
+       System.err.println ("calc max error 4" + ltest);        
+    }
+    {
+      int itest = (int)(float)(-1.0/zero);
+      if (itest != Integer.MIN_VALUE)
+       System.err.println ("calc min error 1: " + itest);      
+    }
+    {
+      int itest = (int)(-1.0/zero);
+      if (itest != Integer.MIN_VALUE)
+       System.err.println ("calc min error 2" + itest);        
+    }
+    {
+      long ltest = (long)(-1.0/zero);
+      if (ltest != Long.MIN_VALUE)
+       System.err.println ("calc min error 3" + ltest);        
+    }
+    {
+      long ltest = (long)(float)(-1.0/zero);
+      if (ltest != Long.MIN_VALUE)
+       System.err.println ("calc min error 4" + ltest);        
+    }
+  }

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