------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- Mark Mitchell wrote at http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc/2006-03/msg00441.html
> Here is a sample program which does the right thing (no spurious console > windows, all output visible) when run either from a console or from a > console-free environment, such as a Cygwin xterm. This is the code > we'll be working into libiberty -- unless someone has a better solution! In my experience, following test is not necessary. Win9x just ignores the CREATE_NO_WINDOWS flag so setting it is a harmless no-op on these platforms. > version_info.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof (version_info); > GetVersionEx (&version_info); > if (version_info.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS) > /* On Windows 95/98/ME the CREATE_NO_WINDOW flag is not > supported, so we cannot avoid creating a console window. */ > dwCreationFlags = 0; See also http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/java-patches/2003-q4/msg00260.html Danny