On 10/mar/2006, at 20:42, Tom Tromey wrote:

libffi and mudflap were covered by Paolo and Andrew.

I have done some work on sysv.S and now libffi compiles fine on OSX/ Intel. Unfortunately, I had to put some #ifdef __APPLE__ this file because Apple ships an old cctools with as that doesn't understand some directives. My patch works on the 4.0 branch, I tried it on the 4.2 branch but libffi has changed in such a way that compiling it with the Apple as is not easily feasible (and I don't chew enough assembly code to change it).

For libjava some porting may be required, though it shouldn't be very

libjava compiled out-of-the-box after tweaking the configure scripts. For boehm, I copied the one in the 4.2 branch and applied a patch that Hans should have already put in the current CVS version.

For best results you will want to make sure that the code to turn
signals into exceptions works properly.  This is both OS- and
architecture dependent.  I haven't looked at the x86 darwin port,
perhaps some gcc hacking is required.

How can I try this? Is there some test case I can use?

Considering all of the above facts, how can I submit a patch, and how much likely it is to be accepted?

Anyway, I'm very happy because I can finally use my MacBook Pro for development: our software has a key component that is written in C++ and Java and needs to be compiled in native code, with this patch everything seems to work fine :)


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